24 November 2010


Happy Thanksgiving!

What I'm thankful for:

1. Jesus Christ.
He loves me even if I act like a git, too prideful and refuse to take help, and shy away from fully giving of myself to Him.

2. John, and being eternally sealed together.
He's wonderful really. He lets me take my time to figure things out, supports me in my ups and downs, and in the meantime still loves me. He's incredibly smart, dedicated, funny, genuine, soft-hearted, and talented.

3. A loving family that cares for me, even if I act like a turd sometimes. Little by little I've come to appreciate my parents and realize how many sacrifices they made to make my life better.

4. Friendship, even if I'm not that great at it.

5. An exemplary extended family and in-laws.

5. Four separate seasons and the unique beauty that each brings.
Especially here in NY.

6. Kind and generous people who have a testimony of Jesus Christ.
So many humble and loving people have shown such generosity to me and are my examples. Their example is one of the reasons I have investigated more fully the Gospel and nature of God.

7. The Temple.

8. Books and opportunity to learn.

9. A nice and cheap apartment in NYC.
Even if there are plumbing, mold, and space issues

10. Dance. Although it isn't a part of my daily life anymore I still imagine, practice, watch, read about, and love dance.

11. Beautiful music that can instantaneously improve my mood and motivation levels.

12. The armed forces, the founding fathers, Presidents past and present, and all those that have sacrificed and devoted their lives and passions to the establishment and betterment of America.